Transatlantic Flights (National Historic Event)

Originally mounted on wooden support located in a park next to the Conception Bay Museum on Water St, Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, this plaque was refurbished in summer 2018 and rests on an iron stanchion.

Between 1919 and 1937 many pioneer aviators, displaying courage and a spirit of high endeavour, undertook uncharted flights across the North Atlantic. The airfield, built on the summit of this hill by the people of Harbour Grace, was the starting point of many early flights from West to East and the objective of flights in the opposite direction. The daring pioneers who used the Harbour Grace airfield wrote a glowing chapter in the history of early aviation and directed attention to Newfoundland as the crossways of North Atlantic air routes.

To read more about Harbour Grace aviation legacy, visit:


GPS Coordinates: 47.693993, -53.210887